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Saturday 8 November 2014

Another step forwards in reaching your dream!. By Tom Gamble

The Dream Machine – 9 steps to reach your dream!

Step 3 – you start to plan the journey…

Hi there. Glad to see you back and happy to welcome any newcomers too! The past two weeks have seen 2 Steps discovered in how to reach your dream, goal, or objective (remember, “dream” is much more inspiring and motivating a word to use). See previous posts to review or discover Steps 1 and 2: positively stating your dream, and checking it feels just right by making ‘a film’ of it in your mind.
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And now the journey really begins!

Step 3 walks you through generating the motivations that will help you start and maintain the effort to reach your dream despite any factor that might just try to prevent you from doing that. If you do succeed in this step, then great – keep on going and watch out for the next step coming soon. If not, then that’s positive too, because it shows you that the dream/objective isn’t entirely aligned with what you really want and what really makes you tick. That’s precious news – imagine going down a path that would only get you completely lost. Fun for a while, but if you’ve tried this in a forest or a desert, then it quickly becomes a scary, exhausting and even dangerous experience (I have – and once found myself blundering about a blackened forest only to come up snout-to-snout with a horde of wild boar. Believe me – the noise they make in the night is enough to set the old self-control racing dangerously into the red). 
So, read wisely and be satisfied with the outcome of this 3rd Step. To paraphrase Paulo Coelho from that marvellous book The Alchemist: A decision to do something is not the end of a dream – it is only the beginning.  
Click to enlarge, then click right to download


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